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Strategic Change & Execution Partners

Dr. Don Addison and Dr. Troy Montgomery founded SC&E to partner with organizations who seek to prepare for, drive, execute, and sustain strategic change. With more than 40 years of experience across multiple F100 organizations, Don and Troy provide services focused on building and growing the change capabilities of your organization. SC&E provides a customized approach through coaching, advisory services, executive education, and unique partnerships.

SC&E Insights

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SC&E CHange Curve

Research indicates that 50%-75% of change efforts fail. In fact, studies of failed projects over the past decade show organizational failure rates have slightly increased. The good news is there are instances of success, but even successful change tends to miss the targeted business outcomes. Based on research, along with 40 years of practical experience with change, SC&E Partners have developed the Change Curve to answer the question of why change in organizations is so difficult.

SC&E Change accelerator

Taking the best of the underlying principles from the GE Workout, Toyota’s Lean Kaizen event, and more than 40 years of organizational improvement experience, SC&E has developed a methodology for dealing with change called the Change Accelerator (CA). This proven methodology drives actionable tactics, strategies, and projects that produce measurable results at any organization.


Change Readiness

Determine if your employees are prepared to adopt a pending change or transformation.

Project Execution

Determine current project and program management capabilities and use best practices and research to identify future opportunities.

Culture Audit

Understand the norms, behaviors, artifacts and underlying assumptions which characterize your company and how they can impact change.

Team Dynamics

Identify how to optimize team interactions by assessing the team’s real (experienced) vs ideal (would like to experience)

Measurement & Metrics

Catalog existing metrics to identify gaps, determine the usefulness of existing measurements, and recommend enhancements.


Change Management Plan

Learn how to develop and implement a set of planned activities to build support for a pending change expected to face resistance.

Negotiating Agreement & Resolving Conflict

Increase knowledge on concepts and tactics related to negotiating agreement and resolving conflict.

Continuous Improvement

Learn how to instill continuous improvement on your team using a customized approaches such as Six Sigma, Lean, and Agile.

Project & Portfolio Planning

Learn how to develop and implement project and/or portfolio management that allows for speed and flexibility in the system.

Mission, Vision & Strategy

Determine the best way to develop your company or teams mission, vision and strategy.

Lean Six Sigma

Interested in learning new ways to drive improvement in your organization? In partnership with the University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, Troy and Don have developed a CSSC accredited Lean Six Sigma Green Belt program. Not only will you and your team gain the fundamental knowledge and the ability to apply key tools from Lean and Six Sigma, but you will also gain insights through additional modules on project management, leadership, and design thinking. Completion of the program will result in a widely recognized Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification from the University of Georgia, Terry College of Business.

LEading Change

Disruptive technologies. Novel business models. Global pandemics. Complex supply chains. More than ever, we see the need for organizations to be adaptable. To be “change-ready.” If you are in business, you’re in change management. In partnership with the University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, Don and Troy co-teach this program bringing the best of academic research and private sector experience.

Change is here, and more change is on the way. Let’s be prepared!

Our story

We consider ourselves full-time teachers, seeking to help individuals, teams, and organizations improve their capabilities. Our engagement model is very different from consultants. As full-time business school faculty members, we do not have the time, nor desire, to spend 40+ hours a week leading and implementing change or improvement initiatives. Our goal is to utilize years of practical experience leading teams along with current business research to teach individuals, teams, and organizations how to overcome challenges and prepare them to handle future challenges on their own.



Dr. Troy A. montgomery


Dr. donald P. addison

Prior work experience

Work Experiences.png

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